Install Ms Fonts Archlinux

However, there is an unofficial Arch Linux User repository package that downloads all of the fonts and installs them. To start the Microsoft Core Fonts installation process, open up a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard. Then, use the Pacman package manager to install the Base-devel and Git packages. Installation instructions by D3SOX 🖥️. Couldn t find installable isam foxpro. If you want a graphical package manager 📦 I recommend only to use yay to update and install packages but (especially if you are a beginner) you may want a graphical package manager. Simple GTK: yay -S gnome-packagekit Simple Qt: yay -S apper Complex GTK: yay -S pamac-aur Complex Qt: yay -S octopi If you use a GTK desktop and want Qt apps to use.

I've installed OO3.0 on archlinux using its packaging system, pacman. While base pack installed flawlessly and all programs can be started as well, it is impossible to use due to missing fonts.
Neither menus nor main text area show something meaningful, just empty glypth squares. What parameters must be specified for OO to work? Can it be forced to use GTK+/cairo if no desktop environment is installed?
I assumed OO's using X fonts since it worked for me on different distros/OS, but looks like I was mistaken.
Any ideas?