Installshield Uninstall Sql Script
This script works for me most of the time in removing Installshield programs silently.
' NAME: Uninstall.vbs
' COMMENT: Silently uninstalls InstallShield app
' Notes: This script and the Installshield response file must be in the same folder to work.
On Error Resume Next
Dim oShell, path, rc, strCmd, myParm, guid
Set oShell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell')
' Get the path of this script
path = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InStrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, '))
oShell.CurrentDirectory = path
' Remove the app. Edit the guid varible to match your app.
guid = '{BFD82B08-BA41-11D0-8F0E-08005A48339D}'
strValue=oShell.RegRead('HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall' & guid & ' & 'UninstallString')
rc = InStr(strValue, guid)
If rc <> 0 Then
strCmd = 'C:Program FilesInstallShield Installation Information' & guid & 'setup.exe'
myParm = ' -s -f1' & path & 'uninstall.iss -l0x0009 -removeonly'
strCmd = Chr(34) & strCmd & Chr(34) & myParm
oShell.Run strCmd,True
End If
Set oShell = Nothing
Datron ms 1221 driver for mac. Uninstall Tab in the Run SQL Script Action Customizer. Selected Script. To specify a script file to bundle with your uninstaller, select this option. Click Choose File to open the Choose a File dialog box. Then, browse to the script file you want your uninstaller to run and click Open.
Hi,I'm using advanced Installer 10.3 enterprise version to build a target msi installer, a update msi then a msp. I need to execute a SQL script during patch installation and another SQl script during patch uninstall if it takes place. I managed to have the SQL script ran during patch installation. However, I'm not able to make the SQl script executed during patch removal. I need some suggestions to set running flag or conditions correctly. I also try to execute a custom action during patch removal to achieve the same goal but no luck. It seems no action I can set if remove the patch from Windows Add/Remove program.
Here is what I have tried:
SQL Execution: uninstall or rollback
condition: (Installed AND ( REMOVE = 'ALL' OR AI_INSTALL_MODE = 'Remove' )) OR PATCH
Try to call a custom action function during patch removal:
Execution stage is uninstall and condition is PATCH.
Please advise what condition(s) I have set it wrong and how I debug it?
Thanks in advance.