Pokemon Prism Hack Walkthrough : Free Programs
A fan-made Pokémon ROM hack in the works for eight years was set to launch this Sunday. But a letter sent by Nintendo's Australian law firm on Wednesday has stopped those plans in their tracks.
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According to Adam 'Koolboyman' Vierra, developer of the fan-made Pokémon Prism project, Nintendo's Australian law firm sent him a cease-and-desist letter, which he uploaded to Google Drive with identifying information redacted. (American representatives for Nintendo were not able to confirm the letter's authenticity as of press time.) The request alleges that Koolboyman's project, which alters the source ROM of the 1999 game Pokémon Gold to create an entirely new adventure, violates multiple Australian laws.
Even though Vierra's public profile says he lives near San Francisco and Nintendo has headquarters and legal firms in America, Vierra clarified on his Twitter account that the game's planned launch site, Rijon.com, is hosted in Australia. Nintendo's Australian law firm, Addisons, has taken action against downloaders of commercial Nintendo products before, but the firm appears to have done little to nothing about makers of Nintendo-infringing software.
Other recent Nintendo takedown notices, like the one sent to a fan-made remake of Metroid 2: Return of Samus, have come in the form of DMCA notices. These legally questionable projects have typically been made from scratch, with game assets and art being extracted or recreated by the creators and then slapped into other game engines.
Pokémon Prism is different because it's a 'ROM hack'—meaning, it's not a full game. Rather, Prism is a small patch file that is worthless without the original ROM file (which can either be legally dumped from a cartridge or maybe-not-so-legally downloaded from the Internet). Computer gaming fans would describe this kind of release as a 'mod.' Mods do a similar thing: they take existing, paid-for game engines and assets, and they apply a patch file that remixes existing content and adds new twists.
Mods typically launch for free to avoid the most obvious legal issue that might arise from commercialization. Pokémon Prism would have launched as a free patch file download, with no links to Pokémon ROMs, as well.
Download plants vs zombies 2 free full version rar. Legal action has rarely been taken against such mods in the United States, with the exception of mods that have inserted other IP holders' content into games without their consent. Perhaps the most famous mod of them all is Counter-Strike, a Half-Life mod that was so successful, its creators were hired by Half-Life's creators in order to release the mod officially as a standalone game.
Nintendo's history of legal challenges to anyone toying with its IP is long and storied. However, Nintendo fans may be surprised to learn that the company does not have a history of taking legal action against fan-made ROM hacks. The most famous of these is an English-language translation patch for the Japan-only Game Boy Advance game Mother 3. You can still download that hack really, really easily, and it's been hosted at the same site since 2008. That game's American prequel, Earthbound, remains a cult favorite, and the series' English-speaking fans have also published fan guides about Mother 3 without facing legal action from Nintendo.Additionally, giant online fan communities have formed around ROM-hacked versions of older Super Mario games, which mostly exist to make absurdly difficult versions of the games' classic levels. Instead of issuing C&D letters to the makers of these hacks, Nintendo has aimed its legal crosshairs at YouTube streamers who play these ROM-hacked Mario games. (Other similar Mario-related hacks have been written about at Ars.)Vierra himself might have assumed Nintendo would allow a Pokémon ROM hack, because his last one, Pokémon Brown, launched in 2004 with nothing in the way of dispute from Nintendo. That hack's new 'Rijon' region would have been hugely expanded upon in Pokémon Prism. It would have contained other tweaks, such as Brown's special monster types (wood, gas, wind, abnormal, and sound), a tweak to the game's 'clock' system, and new music compositions. (Other Pokémon ROM hack depositories are easy to find online.)
'Nintendo understands that you are a fan of its original products and its Pokémon franchise,' the letter to Vierra reads. 'Whilst this is appreciated, it unfortunately does not alter Nintendo's important role to ensure that all of its valuable IP is fully protected and that there is no use made of any of its intellectual property rights without proper supervision and authorization.'
Vierra responded on his Twitter account by blaming himself for attracting attention to the patch close to its release date. 'I'm also responsible for this situation,' he wrote. 'Trailer shouldn't have been made & I shouldn't have been such a perfectionist and finish it sooner [sic].' Near-final footage of the game was streamed at the popular Twitch Plays Pokémon channel in October.
Vierra declared the project 'cancelled.' He did not indicate whether he would consider other plans for releasing the ROM hack.
Listing image by Koolboyman
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Pokémon Brown and Pokémon Prism are two hugeROMHacks of Pokémon games by KoolBoyMan, based on Pokémon Red and Pokémon Crystal, respectively. They are by far among the most well-known Pokémon hacks out there (they appear on The Other Wiki, and Bulbapedia) and that's not without good reason. They are by far the most edited Pokémon hacks out there, with only the sprites and Pokémon themselves the same.
Prism works as a 'sequel' to Brown, including more features and better graphics. Both games can be linked to each other, which allows the player to exchange Pokémon or battle.
These hacks add two new continents, a new story, improved graphics, Pokémon up to Generation IV (plus Sylveon), Pokémon-only segments (Prism only), and a frickin' awesome new soundtrack. (Again, Prism only)
While Brown was finished in 2009 (although an update was released in 2014), Prism nearly finished development (several working betas can be downloaded). Prism in a near-complete form premiered on Twitch Plays Pokémonnote but was unfortunately Cease and Desisted by Nintendo five days before it was set to release (however, the release build and source code were both leaked on 4chan's /v/ and /vp/ boards within 24 hours of the C&D). In 2017, a team dubbing itself 'Rainbow Devs' took up the project and continues to update incomplete content and implement bug fixes with the original creators' consent.
There was another sequel, called Rijon Adventures, which was be modified from Pokémon FireRed, and currently places itself 20 years after Brown's events - however, the conditions of the C&D means that production has ceased.
If you are curious, there is a Let's Play of Brownhere. All games cannot be obtained on the original website anymore, but a cursory Google can lead you to the patches.
Tropes used in multiple games:
- Balance Buff: Many Pokemon have been enhanced by the new type combinations they've received, including Wigglytuff's new Sound-based offense and Weezing's boosted resistance to Fighting- and Bug-type moves.
- Big Boo's Haunt : The Haunted Forest north of Botan City houses a Creepy Cemetery with Ghost-type Pokemon. Prism adds a Haunted House that contains more types of Pokemon, including a Gengar that sends the player off into a Dream Sequence.
- Bilingual Bonus : Jaeru City might seem like it has another nonsensical name like most cities in Rijon that aren't named after real cities from the San Francisco Bay Area (Eagulou and Owsauri come to mind), but in actuality, it's a japanese verb meaning to fully complete, which is quite fitting, as the the Rijon Pokémon League is located just north of the city.
- Boss in Mook Clothing: These trainers often appear in optional endgame dungeons, such as the trainers with level 70+ Pokemon the trainer is required to beat before they can reach Moltres/Entei. However, Prism at least has one that appears much earlier in the game: a Milotic-welding fisherman that's required to fight before continuing.
- Disc-One Nuke: Averted with the traditional example of Magikarp, in which they couldn't be captured until much later than they would be in the main games.
- Like Cannot Cut Like: Played very much straight with the Sound-type, which has no effect on itself.
- Luck-Based Mission: The casinos make a return in these games. Prism also introduces a whole-new Pachisi board game, where players are at the mercy of the dice roll that determines whether or not they make it to the end of the board.
- Mutual Disadvantage: Fire and Gas types are super-effective towards each other.
- Nerf: While not as common as the Pokemon that have been boosted by the new typings, there have been those that have been negatively impacted by them. Most notably, the Gastly, Beldum, and Bronzor lines have all developed 4x weaknesses to Sound-type moves.
- Original Generation: Features both the (common in fan works) Sound-type and the more unique Gas-type. Sound is strong against Gas, Psychic, Ghost, and Steel, but is also the only type weak to Normal, and Sound cannot effect Sound. Gas is strong against Fairy and Fighting, and mutually super-effective against Fire, while not being very effective against Sound, Grass, Ice, Rock, and Ghost. Reclassified Sound-types include the Jigglypuff and Whismur lines while reclassified Gas types include the Gastly and Koffing lines.
- Noob Cave: Both games have the player begin their quest in a cave. Brown has Merson Cave, the tunnel that links Gravel Town to Merson City; while Prism throws the player in the middle of Acqua Mines, where they first meet their Larvitar.
- Punny Name: The Rijon region.
Tropes used in Brown:
- Artistic License – Religion: A miner does the main character a solid by giving him a certain item, but then specifies he's doing so for the good karma because he's a Buddhist. Now, a Hindu might want good karma, but a Buddhist's main goal is to escape the cycle of karma as a whole, because all karma is bad.
- Bonus Boss: The Pallet Ranger at the end of the Bonus Dungeon, with a team of Level 100 Pokemon. After beating him, the game informs you that you have basically completed everything.
- Call-Forward: Certain Pallet Rangers cameo in the end stages of the game.
- The Cameo: A couple of significant individuals (including Giovanni), and even a place - you can visit Azalea Town (Rijon is south of it), but not the rest of Johto since Azalea was sealed off by an earthquake.
- Heroic Mime: Averted with the player character, who also speaks in Prism as part of the Mystery League (Red and Gold/Ethan do not).
- The Missingno.: While koolboyman did his best to keep the actual trope namer from showing up throughout the course of the game, it is still affectionately parodied in one dungeon. An (intentionally) glitched looking Hypno sprite is used in place of the ghosts that appeared in Pokémon Tower. They still terrify your Pokémon, but by spouting garbled nonsense instead of demands for you to leave.
- Obvious Rule Patch: New types were added to better balance the game, including the Dark type to counter Psychics as in all subsequent generations, and even a new type that is weak against Normal moves.
- Peninsula of Power Leveling: There is one accessible even before the first Gym, a small single patch of tall grass inside a town with level 17 to 20 Pokémon (some rare ones like Pikachu, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan), conveniently in the front of a Pokémon Center.
- Truth in Television: Although it's most likely a coincidence, there is, in fact, a real Castro Valley.
Tropes used in Prism:
- And Now for Someone Completely Different: As mentioned above, you can walk around the overworld as individual Pokémon in a few areas.
- Animal Talk: A Pokémon's speech is translated to perfect English if you talk to them as a Pokémon (some parts of the game let you walk one of your party members around the overworld).
- The Artifact: The game runs on a heavily modified version of Crystal, and while a lot of the features from later generations (such as Fairy types, Abilities, and the Physical/Special split) are added into the game, some other quirks of the Gen II games (such as limited bag space, stat experience instead of Effort Values, and the Box arrangement) remain as is, because the engine would need to be fundamentally reworked to change those aspects.
- Bathos: The Palette Patrollers have personalities ranging from petty criminals to ambitiousWell Intentioned Extremists, not unlike the other criminal organizations in the Pokémon universe. However, all of them are wearing ridiculous Power Rangers-esque body suits, despite the leader insisting it's actually traditional Naljo garb.
- Bookends: After beating the Champion, there's another campsite scene. This time with both your mother and Lance, your father. Also, the first gym and the final postgame gym are both Fire-type.
- Boss Rush: The eighth gym has the player rematch against four of the Naljo gym leaders before facing off against the Climax Boss.
- The Call Knows Where You Live: Or at least where you're camping. When you leave to get firewood, there's a landslide, and you can't get back. Then you ride a minecart offered by a suspicious man in a tunnel, and it breaks, trapping you alone in a cave. But then you run into a Larvitar blocking your path; it jumps into a Pokéball and comes along on your adventure.
- Captain Ersatz: The Pallet Patrollers are very blatant Power Rangers knockoffs, complete with an 8-bit rendition of the Power Rangers theme as their encounter music. One Patroller wishes they could be called the Prism Rangers, and laments that another team beat them to the name.
- Character Development: Various characters undergo this. Some antagonistic characters have undergone a Heel–Face Turn after thinking about their wrongdoings in Saxifrage Island, while others have abandoned their original goals in favor of othermeans. Even the player character has their moments when their reverence for Pokemon is tested by the sage in Magikarp Caverns, and later when a Gengar throws them into a Dream Sequence that enlightens them about their importance to the Naljo region.
- Charles Atlas Superpower/Crazy Survivalist: Andre and his followers are capable of building and destroying architectural structure (burrows, bridges; etc.) with their bare hands. This is partly motivated by their vehement disdain towards technology, as they believe that it will leave society unprepared for a collapse in civilization.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Some Gen 1 and 2 Pokémon were overwritten to make way for the Gen 3 and 4 Pokémon, Sylveon, and the five Fakémon legendaries (Brown still has all 151 of the originals).
- Climax Boss: The eighth gym leader, Steel-type user Bruce, is presented as this. The first room emphasizes this with the title theme playing in the background instead of the usual gym theme. The lower level has the player solving puzzles based on past places, and engaging in a Boss Rush with some of the previous gym leaders before going up against the final Naljo leader himself.
- Colorful Theme Naming: The Palette Patrollers are named after different colors, and the Pokémon they use (including the Eeveelutions) are in the same color group the Pallet Patroller using them is.
- Darker and Edgier:
- Earlier builds went this route: characters swear readily, the rival is first encountered while he is torturing a Bagon, the co-leader of the Quirky Mini Boss Squad threatens to kill the player character when their Pokémon aren't around to protect them, and some characters are just gratuitously obnoxious and nasty. All of this is toned down in the 0.91 build, which brings the tone closer to that of an actual Pokemon game.
- The Gas-type attacks, however, still have names like 'Sarin', 'Mustard Gas', and 'Lewisite'. As one beta testerput it:VorpalNorman: Are all the Gas-type attacks war crimes?
- Disc-One Nuke: Marill can be caught early on and can come with the Huge Power ability, which doubles its Attack stat. Tackle is already dangerous at that point, but at level 10, it learns Double Slap, which is a STAB Fairy move here. Then it evolves just 8 levels later to Azumarill, which hits extremely hard with Huge Power by the time you get it and can remain relevant through the rest of the game.
- Wild Sneasel and Gligar can be found with their evolutionary items just after the first Gym. If the player's lucky enough to find either, they'll have a strong, fully evolved Pokemon before even reaching the third city in the game. Gligar and Gliscor also have Sand Veil, an ability that combines well with the starter Larvitar once it fully evolves into Tyranitar and gets Sand Stream.
- Divergent Character Evolution: Brown (the player character of the hack of the same name) appeared identical to Red in the Brown hack, but here, he has received his own design with longer sleeves and different hair, further helped by the Game Boy Color’s palette.
- Establishing Character Moment: The rival forcing a terrified Bagon to fight for its life sets the tone for his character very firmly.
- Extra Turn: Some spaces on the Pachisi board give the player additional rolls.
- Foreshadowing: One of the available visuals for a male player character bear a close resemblance to kantonian Elite Four's Lance. Hardly a coincidence, since he's the player's father.
- The Guards Must Be Crazy: Even after you're released from prison, certain guards will still call you a prisoner and throw you back in your unlocked cell if you try to enter a restricted area. None of the guards will stop you from releasing other prisoners, or capturing incarcerated Pokémon.
- Guest-Star Party Member: A Caterpie joins the player briefly to meet back up with his mother as a Shout-Out to the tutorial stage of the first Mystery Dungeon game.
- Infinity -1 Sword: You begin the game with the first stage of a pseudo-legendary.
- Interchangeable Antimatter Keys: The 'cage key' item.
- Knife Nut: This installment's rival, who employs a pocket knife for torturing Pokémon, and is on the search for monsters well suited to cutting and killing people (and Pokémon). Yet, most of his early team can learn only blunt attacks as opposed to slashing ones.
- L33t L1ng0: Naljo's professor spoke in this in one of the earlier builds. Fortunately, this was averted by the time the hack got leaked.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: The protagonist's father is Lance, the league champion. There's a little family reunion scene after you beat him.
- Meaningful Name: Phancero from 'Phantom' and 'Cero', spanish for zero, as its positioned as a fourth member of the Legendary Birds.
- Meta Guy: Edison. Before his gym battle, he tells the player that the Pokemon Prism universe 'isn't some fictional anime', making a reference to the Pokémon anime without showing any actual awareness of said series (see Take That!). Later at the Boss Rush, he describes how he meticulously studied your battle style and sought to counter it, something that any savvy boss character would (attempt to) do.
- Minus World Glitch City appears in the game and is where the player finds and catches Phancero.
- The Missingno.: Phancero is based on the trope namer, to the point it's animation briefly turns into Missingno. It's encountered in the 'glitch' city from the original games, and is part flying, in reference to Missingno being bird type.
- Never Trust a Trailer: The 'Boxart' for Prism depicts Mega Tyranitar yet Mega Evolution is not possible. It could however have been a planned mechanic had the project still been allowed to be worked on.
- New World Tease: The first time you go to Rijon, only Botan City is accessible. It's only after beating the Elite Four that the rest of Rijon is accessible.
- Nightmare Fetishist: Quite literally with Edison, whom describes having his dreams being eaten by a Gengar (the same one that sent the player character in their own plot-significant Dream Sequence) as 'the most pleasant dream.'
- No OSHA Compliance: Justified with the sixth gym, which houses Gas-type trainers. Also deconstructed, as the toxic fumes within have caused the trainers to become lethargic and dim-witted.
- Nostalgia Level: Because Rijon is south of Johto and west of the Sevii islands, parts of those regions can be visited in later builds. Naljo is also to the south of Tunod, the region from Pokémon Glazed, and the southern parts of it can be visited as well.
- No Smoking: Averted, unlike the main series, as there is a cigarette item that can be held to increase the power of Gas-type moves. The Black Ranger was also a smoker in earlier builds (and also gave you the item himself).
- Original Generation: The game has five original 'Fakemon' legendaries that can be encountered and caught; the plot of the Naljo region centers on the four Naljo guardians, while Phancero is an Ascended Glitch based on Missingno.
- Outside-the-Box Tactic: While Andre puts up a fierce fight in his own right, neither his Machoke nor Machamp can touch Ghost-type Pokemon at all.
- Oxymoronic Being: All of the Naljo guardians have paradoxical typings. Varaneous is Fire/Water, Fambaco is Ghost/Fighting, Raiwato is Rock/Electric and Libabell is Steel/Poison.
- Patchwork Map: Justified, as the Naljo region is ruled by elemental guardians that impact its climate and geology. The extreme climate variations are frequently mentioned by Naljo locals.
- Powerup Letdown:
- Some of the elemental rings boost a certain stat while reducing accuracy. While this stat wouldn't be as necessary to stall-based Pokemon, one of the rings boosts special attack, making it useful only to those that can learn the Always Accurate Attack Aura Sphere.
- While the move tutor often gives Pokemon useful moves they wouldn't otherwise be able to learn, sometimes they're either lackluster or don't fit the needs of those Pokemon.
- 'Prism' and 'Tri' are two new types which are only used for the moves 'Prism Beam' and 'Tri Attack', with the gimmick of the former being that it is not super effective or resisted by any type, and the later combining the advantages of Fire, Electric, and Ice. But because they operate as their own unique types for those moves only, no Pokemon can get STAB on them, so they end up being ignored gimmicks.
- Quirky Mini Boss Squad: The Pallet Patrollers.
- Raised By Machamps: This was Andre's upbringing, and is also why he's both super-strong and very firmly technophobic.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: Brooklyn's Totodile pulls this off twice, the first time being it runs away to Laurel Forest just to get away from the ever-so-irritating Brooklyn, something Totodile itself tells the protagonists' Pokemon upon first meeting it, and after Brooklyn has been defeated for her badge. It is because of how annoying Brooklyn is that her Totodile decides to join the protagonist, and they never say a word about where Totodile is.
- Side View: Used in some areas.
- Take That!: After allowing Edison to dream again, he tells you:'Well, this isn't some fictional anime, so I can't just give you my badge.'Explanation
- Take Your Time: Taken to a ludicrous degree with the Naljo Guardians. Even though the release of Varaneous by the Palette Patrol is supposed to threaten Naljo with complete annihilation, the player can ignore all of the Guardians, and the region will remain as it was since the player first arrived there.
- Third-Option Adaptation:
- Played straight with Gold (Ethan), who has the fully-evolved forms of all three Johto starters. However, unlike Yellow, there’s no way to get more than one Johto starter in Generation II without trading.
- Averted with Brown who has Charizard but not Blastoise or Venusaur, presumably to differentiate his team from Red’s.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Every other NPC in the Naljo region, due to some unknown apparently supernatural influence spreading throughout the area.
- Totally Radical: Josiah, leader of the first gym. He lapses out of his 90's lingo when he's explaining what the TM that he gives out does.
- Virtual Paper Doll: On top of defining a gender, the sprite of the player character and its palette can be modified into a wide variety of colors.
- Walking Spoiler: Subverted with KoolBoyMan's first Fakemon character, Prismeon. It was supposed to be a well-hidden original addition to the Eeveelution line, but was scrapped some time before the 0.91 build.
- What Do You Mean, It's Not for Kids?: In-Universe. An NPC at Spurge City Mall mentions that Pokémon Quartz has a lot of profanity it in despite being rated E for Everyone - A nod towards the hack's prominence as a bootleg cart, with the box falsely claiming it to be given that rating.
- Yellow Lightning, Blue Lightning: The move Crystal Bolt uses blue lightning.
- You Are Number 6: Members of the Scientist trainer class are identified as such.
Tropes used in Rijon Adventures:
- Big Eater: An NPC in Moraga Town's diner mentions Karpman as being one.
- Blackout Basement: The bottom floor of Silk Tunnel is a darkened cavern where you can find Ice types.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Rijon Adventures' producer appears in Goldenrod City to stop you from going past the Game Corner building, due to the rest of the city not being accessible in the most recent beta.
- Festival Episode: The Golden Flower Festival is taking place when you arrive in Goldenrod City.
- Mythology Gag: Youngster Samuel on Route 34 is now older and in high school.
- Quietly Performing Sister Show: A given considering that Brown and Prism are two of the most critically acclaimed Pokemon ROM hacks ever. While it doesn't have the same degree of innovation as the aforementioned games, it's still held in high regard in its own right.
- Rouge Angles of Satin: Azalea Town's charcoal kiln is spelled as 'charcoal klin.'
- Shout-Out:
- Lily's favorite book is Romeo and Juliet.
- One NPC in Moraga Town's diner asks if you've seen the Fullmetal Alchemist movie.
- Slippy-Slidey Ice World:
- Lily's gym, being an Ice type leader.
- One part of Rijon Tunnel is an ice passage.
- Time Skip: Takes place 20 years after Brown.